Marketing with Archetypes Magic

You’re an expert in what you do: coach, course creator, healer, content creator, online educator, author, artist, or other service-based professional…

What you’re not, however, is an expert on marketing. In fact, if you had a choice, you’d love to just work at your craft and not have to do marketing at all.

But you’re also a business owner, and for your business to grow and thrive, people have to know that you exist, what you do, and how you can help them (otherwise known as marketing).

What if, instead of a necessary evil or a chore that you just want to check off the list, marketing was something you actually looked forward to?

Imagine if marketing your business felt…*GASP* fun because you were authentically connecting with the right clients without feeling pushy or salesy.

Imagine if talking about what you do and how you help was easy and didn’t feel awkward and uncomfortable…

Imagine a way to shortcut the trust factor with your audience so that they’re ready to buy from now instead of “maybe later”

Imagine taking the mystery out of why other entrepreneurs in your niche seem to effortlessly attract dream clients when you know you’ve got just as much (and more) than they do when it comes to getting clients results.

ENTER  Marketing with Archetypes Magic 

The antidote to boring, cookie-cutter marketing!

It’s time to make your marketing efforts more strategic, impactful, and profitable without working harder than you already are.

I’ve been in the online marketing space for over 13 years and I’ve seen more marketing fads, trends, and hype than your pet rock collection (who remembers those!) and the truth is, the brands that last know the secret is to align their marketing to their brand.

Without effective and aligned marketing, your purpose-driven business is never going to help the people that you know can be transformed by what you have to offer. Doing what works for your natural style and strengths is straight-up magnetic and irresistible to your right-fit people.

It’s time to stop doing marketing that feels uninspired, forced, and not in alignment with who you really are.

The Marketing with Archetypes Magic Course doesn’t teach you to do what everyone else is doing, it teaches you how to focus on what you do best and use that in your marketing to promote your offers and attract the right clients to your business.

With what you learn in Marketing with Archetypes Magic you’ll: 

  • Be more visible easily and effortlessly (without having to dance or point to bubbles)
  • Discover how to position yourself as the only choice for your clients
  • Find your archetype blend that showcases your uniqueness and how to stand out
  • Hone your brand voice so that it genuinely sounds like you
  • Connect more deeply and build trust more quickly with your audience
  • Sell your offers and services from a place of authenticity and confidence in your value

Transform your marketing with the power of archetypes.

When you enroll in Marketing with Archetypes Magic, you’ll have access to the entire framework and can get started implementing immediately.

Here’s what’s included in Marketing with Archetypes Magic:

The Marketing with Archetypes Magic Playbook to help you map out your marketing ($97 value)

Four Modules with bite-sized lessons to keep you motivated and on track ($297 value)

Examples of how big businesses and personal brands use archetypes in their marketing to attract the right audience ($97 value)


Archetype Story Bank - lots of ideas for microstories to use in your marketing ($97 value)

In Depth Achetype Playbook so that your archetype shows up in every aspect of your brand experience ($197 value)

Monthly Content Calendar an easy to use content calendar to get your content consistently scheduled ($27 VALUE)

Community Feature inside the MemberVault platform to stay connected and get your questions answered ($497 VALUE)

Bonus Lesson on Point of View and Positioning ($27 value)

No more marketing that feels forced and icky

No more posting on social media just to tick it off your (endlessly long) to-do list

No more chasing the latest trend, tactic or fad that quickly fizzles out without getting you results

It’s time to implement the Marketing with Archetypes Magic into your business and start seeing real results with your marketing efforts.

You get instant access to everything and it’s yours forever. 

You’ve got a business to run and it’s time to have your marketing working for you 24/7 while you’re out living your life and enjoying what’s important to you. 

Ditch the cookie-cutter marketing for good and promote your offers and services from a place of alignment and integrity. Change your marketing and transform your business forever…it’s all waiting for you on the inside.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a digital product and all sales are final!

Modules for this product 4
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